Giraffe: Definition, Physical Appearance, Habitat, Diet, Lifestyle, Social Structure [Explained]

Giraffe: Definition, Physical Appearance, Habitat, Diet, Lifestyle, Social Structure [Explained]

Giraffe Definition:

Giraffe: Definition, Physical Appearance, Habitat, Diet, Lifestyle, Social Structure [Explained]: – The tallest land mammal, with a neck up to 6 feet, the giraffe is likewise notable for the unique brown and white pattern on its coat and its extended eyelashes and legs. A few other even-toed ungulates include hippopotamuses, deer, goats, camels, cows, and sheep. The giraffe  stands at around 4-5m high, and the tallest giraffes at any point recorded have been up to 5.9m. That is over a meter higher than a double-decker bus. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that such a large animal weighs a considerable lot too, up to 1900kg. For giraffes, in any case, each one can be over 10 inches long!

Giraffe Physical Appearance:

Giraffes are the tallest vertebrate in the world. Giraffes are easily recognized because of their exclusive lengthy neck. Giraffes have short and sandy-colored coats. A giraffe’s skin is generally thicker than that of other animals. It assists them with moving in the forest and wood without getting easily hurt by the branches of trees or some other sharp object. They have pelage markings of various shapes, colored in different shades of brown. The unique color or tone most likely assists with remaining shielded from suntan and ultraviolet rays. Aside from their physical feature, they have an excellent sense of hearing and smell. Giraffe has bony horns or ossicones, placed on the top of the head. 

Male giraffes can in some cases grow one more pair of horns behind the first pair. Females are identified by thin and tufted ossicones while males  typically have thick horns with the hair, smoothed due to sparring. At the point when giraffes aren’t eating, they’re chewing their cud. After giraffes swallow the leaves for the initial time, a bundle of leaves travels as far as possible back up the throat into the mouth for more grinding.

Giraffe Habitat and Lifestyle:

Because of their large size, Giraffes spend a great deal of time eating, usually in the mornings and nights. They rest standing up during the night. In the heat of the day, they will rest in shady areas, regurgitating the food and afterward ingesting it once more. Female giraffes and their young accumulate into small herds, keeping constantly together, to safeguard the calves from predators. Male giraffes prefer leading solitary lives, traveling significant distances to find a fertile female. At the point when two rival male giraffes encounter one another, they start “necking”  bumping heads and interlocking the necks to protect their mating rights and set up a dominance hierarchy. The victor of the encounter will be permitted to mate with local females. The future of giraffes is to a great extent reliant upon the quality of the habitat that remains.

Giraffe Diet:

Giraffes are herbivores with their diet regimen made up generally of leaves that they browse off of trees. Different food varieties consumed by them include shoots, fruits, other vegetation, and wild apricots. Up to 93 different leaves are important for their eating routine. Somewhere in the range of 16 and 20 hours of their day are spent feeding. Their upper lip is prehensile and they have a long tongue which is utilized to grab the leaves off of trees. They can eat from thorny acacia trees without injuring themselves.

Most of the giraffe’s water requirements can be met by the browse which they eat. At the point when they do drink they have specific valves which assist with forestalling issues brought about by the high blood pressure needed to push blood to the brain while standing.

Giraffe Social Structure:

Giraffes are social animals. They live in herds of around 10 to 20 giraffes and they can be up to 50 members. Groups of giraffes are designated “towers.” Giraffes don’t have strong social ties like other animal species, aside from the mothers with their offspring. Each member of the herd can leave the group freely. Aside from humans, crocodiles and lions are giraffe’s only predators. In any case, because of their size, giraffes don’t hide from these predators. They can safeguard themselves from predators by remaining in groups, as it makes it more challenging for the predator. On the off chance that they need to shield themselves, giraffes have a deadly, karate-style kick.


People influence the population of giraffes through habitat loss and degradation, conversion of their habitat for different purposes, common agitation, and illegal hunting. In certain areas hunting is legitimate and regulated. Giraffes incredibly affect the trees that they feed on, delaying the growth of young trees for certain years and giving “waistlines” to too-tall trees. Likewise, while spotting a predator, they can act as a warning system for other close by animals. Hunting and poaching are among the significant threats to the giraffe populace. These animals draw in hunters for their meat, skin, and tail. Another worry is the loss of their natural habitat because of human activities.  

Question and Answers:

1. How does a Giraffe Drink?

Giraffes hydrate themselves by bending down, splaying their legs, and loweing their necks to reach the water source. Thus, it needs to awkwardly shuffle and spread its front legs to reach the ground for a drink of water. Luckily giraffes just have to drink once at regular intervals, as they can get the vast majority of their water from all the plants they eat.

2. Where do Giraffes Live?

The natural or regular habitat for giraffes used to be distributed all through North and West Africa, that includes the Sahara, and along the Nile. In any case, today giraffes are only found in sub-Saharan Africa.

3. Are Giraffes Endangered?

Current giraffe numbers mean the IUCN classifies or groups the animals as a species of ‘least concern’. Be that as it may, assuming the aftereffects of the study we discussed above lead to the complete giraffe populace being split between four species, the adjustment could prompt at least one of them to be classified as a species under threat.

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